Today's Five Minute Friday Writing Prompt is REFLECT.
*** Start Time ***
This is something I'm not so good at. I'm good at looking forward, pushing forward, moving moving, MOVING forward. Reflecting on what has already happened though? Not so much, y'all. When I look back it's less about reflection and more about criticism. How did I let myself down. How did I let someone else down (people pleasing, much?).
But writing has allowed me a better opportunity to reflect. A better platform to reflect. I resisted writing a LONG time. Friends would encourage journaling and I would get indignant - it felt legalistic how SO MANY Christian women swore up and down journaling provided them better insight. My hubby would encourage me to write and in my head I would scream "QUIT PRESSURING ME." God would nudge me to write and I would promise eventually. Later. When _____ was over. Knowing in my heart that there would always be something ELSE I could blame for the delay.
So now I write. Sometimes it results in the silly. Sometimes it results in the factual. But sometimes, sometimes it results in the reflective. I'm not saying writing is for everyone. I'm not saying anything prodund will come from my writing. But if it offers even a small pause to REFLECT, for now I embrace that.
*** End Time ***
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