Monday, September 23, 2013

So THAT happened.

Obviously recent news out of Nairobi has been pretty tragic.  I'm bewildered that this violence would break out so close to my planned trip to Kenya.  I mean, what are the odds?  Kenya hasn't dealt with a terrorist attack of this magnitude in many years.  It would be really easy to let fear and worry take over at this point.  Sadly some Americans were injured in the Al-Shabab attack and French, Dutch, South African, Indian and Canadian nationals are among the dead.  That's scary, y'all. 

Westgate Mall in Nairobi (photo from
I'm a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister, an employee and a volunteer.  And those are just the hats I've worn in the last 24 hours.  It would be really easy to stay home, where I can expect to be safe, and just keep being all of those things.  But Jesus never said "follow me and be safe."  I can't find that anywhere in my bible. Instead, Jesus says "follow me" something like two dozen times.  Yikes - that's pretty consistent, almost like we are supposed to take a hint . . .
OK, so clearly I'm supposed to follow Jesus.  I get it.  Eventually stuff even sinks into this thick scull.  So I'm following and the path, for me, leads to Kenya.  I figured that out weeks ago.  But what now?  Well, thanks to my new life group and a great Andy Stanley video, I found myself in Nehemiah yesterday.  Specifically focusing on Nehemiah 6:3.  First, let's set the scene.  Nehemiah left his home to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall that would protect that city for the first time in a generation.  The local warlords didn't want that work completed and tried to lure Nehemiah off the wall, with plans to kill him.  Nehemiah sent back this response:
I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down.
Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?

Now I'm not sure that what I'm doing qualifies as a "great project" but God has a plan for this trip.  I can't lose focus of that now.  And I can't see why God's plans should be interrupted due to some hateful group.  So I will push down the worry and the "what ifs" and press ahead.  Kenya, here I come!

I'd love for you to read more about why I'm going and how you can help by checking out this post.

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