Friday, September 13, 2013

Spinning Plates

Life. Is. Busy. You know it is. It is busy for me. For my friends. For my family. For my coworkers and students. Culturally we not only embrace busyness but we applaud it in others.

"Look at all he does! That's awesome."

"She is such a superwoman. I wish I could do all of that."

We brag about out own busyness too.

"I would love to read that book but I'm SO busy!"

"Gosh, I have no idea how I get it all done everyday!"

Oh sometimes it is couched as complaining but really aren't we patting ourselves on the back, even if for only surviving our own hectic schedule and to do list?

I'm not judging you if you are in this category. I AM YOU. I can barely look myself in the mirror as I prepare to post this because I know I do all of this. Heck my to do list right now is literally entitled "Spinning Plates" cause that's what my life feels like I do. ALL. THE. TIME.
So where am I going with this? It would have been so much easier to say no to this opportunity. Going to Kenya ain't easy, people. Working out my schedule. The kids' schedule. The books I need to read. The stuff I need to buy. The packing. Oh goodness I cannot even think about the packing. And the laundry. Jason does not do laundry. I have a wonderful husband, guys, but he just wasn't gifted by the laundry fairy, and after 15 years of marriage, well I'm not changing that fact in the next few week. That's an issue when wife/mommy/chief laundry engineer is leaving the country for nearly two weeks!

But I'm supposed to go to Kenya. My heart has screamed it for years, even as my head said "ain't no one got time for that!" But God has something planned for me there, for the people I'll encounter there, for the relationships we'll form. So busyness be damned, I'm going. I'll say no to some things. I'll decide some things can sit, can wait. I'll even ask for and accept help, and I'll find it doesn't kill me to do so. Or so I'm told.

To understand why I'm going and how to help, see this post.

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